History ⏩

Above: The original building.


An easy introduction to and a general overview of Freemasonry can be found on Wikipedia:


A `History of Masonry in Japan` by Leo L. Noel, PM, Secretary.
From the website of the Grand Lodge of Japan. https://www.grandlodgeofjapan.org/history.html

*A Japanese translation is also available on the Grand Lodge of Japan website.

History of Masonry in Japan
Leo L. Noel, PM, Secretary
From the booklet published in 1963 to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of Far East Lodge No.1, F&AM


The first known Lodge in Japan was Sphinx Lodge which operated under the Grand Lodge of Ireland during the years 1862-1865, a few years after the opening of the ports of Japan by Commodore Perry of the United States Navy. The roster consisted primarily of members of the military forces with a few local foreign residents, for a total of about 20 members.

According to the memory of an old resident, the Lodge Charter once blew out of the window of the Lodge. After a day or two it was discovered by a pedestrian and safely restored to its rightful owners. This incident no doubt prompted the Brethren to have the document framed.

This Lodge was situated at No. 80 Settlement, now known as Yamashita-cho. The Bluff, where the Temple is now located, was then a thickly wooded chain of hills, extending from Yokohama Bay (Mississippi Bay as it was then called) separating the Motomachi Shopping District, as we see it now, from Areas 1 and 2, then a small fishing Village called Honmoku.

When Commodore Perry's forces withdrew, Sphinx Lodge was inactivated and the local foreign residents petitioned the Grand Lodge of England for a charter which it received on June 26, 1866.
This Lodge was called Yokohama Lodge No. 1092 and was very active for many years.
They held their first meeting in 1867 in the private home of Mr. J. R. Black who was editor and proprietor of the Japan Gazette, the first English language newspaper to be printed in Japan.
The first issue of this newspaper was a two paged affair of great interest; apart from general and local news, shipping notices and advertisements, it warned foreigners to exercise extreme caution when travelling beyond the limits of the Settlement, as Japan during that period was in a state of unrest. It was not unusual for residents to go about armed.
One Masonic brother, as a child remembers his father shooting off a pistol in the garden before he retired at night, to remind any prowlers that he possessed a gun.
In 1868 Yokohama Lodge 1092 moved to new premises at No. 38 Yamashita-cho, just about where Yato-bashi spans the canal into Motomachi Shopping Center.
They occupied the rooms above the auction hall belonging to Messrs. John W. Hall & Company.
The Charter which had been granted to this Lodge was signed by the Earl of Zetland who was then Grand Master of England. Prior to World War II it went into darkness and it has not been reactivated as of this time. Its Masonic banner is presently hanging on the wall of the Masonic Temple in Yokohama.

Otentosama Lodge No. 1263 was chartered in June 1869, also under the Grand Lodge of England.
They met in the Yokohama Masonic Temple for many years. However, this Lodge also went dark prior to World War II and has remained in darkness since. Their original banner is also hanging on the wall of the Yokohama Masonic Temple.

Lodge Star in the East No. 640 was chartered on September 16, 1879 under the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

All Lodges in Yokohama formerly conducted their meetings in a building at No. 61 Yamashita-cho called the Masonic Hall which was a two storied brick building built in about the year 1890 with shares which were issued to the Lodges by the Masonic Hall Ltd. All meetings were held there until when practically the whole of Yokohama was wiped out in the Great Earthquake of September 1, 1923.


The Great Earthquake was perhaps the greatest catastrophe (before the atom bomb) in the history of Japan.
"Imagine two great cities," said one witness, "comparable to Paris, Berlin or Chicago, wiped out within two minutes. At two minutes to twelve you had everything; at twelve o'clock a vast plain of rubbish, stone, charred wood, indistinguishable litter, and blackened motionless forms, with arms outstretched, lying in the hot sun, and all you owned was the suit you were wearing and the umbrella which you were surprised to find you were still carrying."
The two storied brick building called the Masonic Hall which housed the Lodges on Lot No. 61 Yamashita-cho, fell like a pack of cards and was completely demolished by the earthquake and fire.

In order to keep up the Masonic activities after the disaster, meetings were held in Kobe at the Corinthian Hall for a few months.
The first Masonic Meeting held in Yokohama was in the ruins of the American Trading Company offices by Lodge Star in the East.
According to WB Michael Apcar
"old packing cases and boxes were used for the principal chairs, and lighting was by candles, the atmosphere shared by those Brethren present demonstrated the true character of Masons, poor and penniless, but rich in Brotherly love, Relief and Truth."
Another example of the sincerity of our fraternity was that of Illustrious Brother Frazar 33°, Deputy for the Supreme Council, A & A.S.R. Masons for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, who built his temporary office building and granted the upper story to the Masonic Lodge at which site all meetings were held until 1927.

The recovery after the devastation of the Great Earthquake in Yokohama was slow. Even as late as 1963, in the area comprising the Bund and Main Street, there are vacant lots which were never rebuilt; not because of the bombing, the result of World War II as one would suppose, but they are, in effect, the scars left by that terrible earthquake which had wiped Yokohama, a thriving city, completely off the map.

Following the disaster, and for a short period, Lodge Star in the East held their meetings in the burnt out shell of the American Trading Co., near Hanazonobashi. Otentosama Lodge met in the office room of Messrs. Butterfield & Swire Company of the Bund, while Yokohama Lodge held their meetings in Kobe. However, they all assembled in the warehouse of Messrs. Sale & Frazer Company and operated there until 1927.


In the meantime activities had been started to build a permanent Masonic Home, and funds were received from the Grand Lodge of England to enable the Masonic Temple to be built.
The site chosen was at No. 3 Yamate-cho on the Bluff where the temple as we see it today was erected.
It was owned by the Masonic Hall Ltd. and administered by a group of high ranking masons belonging to the lodges of the English Constitution and dedicated on February 12, 1927. There are two bronze plaques at the entrance, the first bears these words

The Masonic Temple
Dedicated to the Glory of God
and to Freemasonry
Yokohama, 12th February 1927
Stanley Edward White D.G.M. P.G.D.

The cost of the land and of the temple were defrayed out of funds generously donated by United Grand Lodge of England to replace the Masonic Hall destroyed in the earthquake of the 1st September 1923.

The second, which was placed after the war reads:
Commemorating the resumption of labours on 9th April 1946 and in grateful appreciation of the invaluable assistance rendered by Lt. Gen. Eichelberger and the members of Tokyo Bay Masonic Club in restoring this building for the benefit of the Craft. 14th Sept. 1948.
The lodges that held their meetings within its portals were Lodge Star in the East No. 640 S. C., Yokohama Lodge No. 1092 E. C., Otentosama Lodge No. 1263 E. C., Orient-Mark Lodge No. 304 E. C. the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and Far East Lodge No. 1, of the order of Odd Fellows, (it is coincident that we have now a Far East Lodge No. 1, F&AM) and all these lodges paid dues to the Masonic Hall Ltd. for the use of the building. Due to financial reasons Lodge Star in the East separated from Masonic Hall Ltd. for a few years and occupied an antechamber in the Oriental Palace Restaurant which was located on a corner lot by the entrance to South Pier but returned a year or two later to the Temple on the Bluff.


On the declaration of war on December 8, 1941 the Japanese Government confiscated the building together with all lodge furniture, regalia, jewels, tools, implements and books; but even before, at the outbreak of the "China Incident", in 1937, the Japanese Government had already started a campaign of putting on pressure. This was the beginning of the storm against Masonry and all who happened to be connected with the Craft.

After September 1945, prewar members of Lodge Star in the East with the assistance of Masonic Brethren of the American Occupation Forces reactivated this Lodge on April 9, 1946. Lt General Robert L.Eichelberger, Commanding General of the Eighth United States Army and a Brother Mason materially assisted in the reactivation. Since 1946, many members of the Occupation and Security Forces, both military and civilian, have joined or affiliated with Lodge Star in the East. Prewar and postwar members of Lodge Star in the East have and are still playing a very important part in the furtherance of Masonry here in the Far East.

Tokyo Lodge No. 2015 was chartered by the Grand Lodge of England on August 10, 1883 and its meeting place was also in the Yokohama Masonic Temple prior to World War II. It has not been re-activated since the war. Its banner hangs on the wall of the Yokohama Temple. Tokyo Lodge of Instruction formerly met in Shiba Park at the San Yen Tei.

At one time there were four Masonic Lodges which met at Corinthian Hall in Kobe. Two, chartered under the English Constitution, known as Torii Mark Lodge 837 and Lodge Albion in the Far East 3729 are no longer active; the other English Lodge, Rising Sun 1401 is still active. The Lodge chartered under the Scottish Constitution, known as Lodge Hiogo and Osaka 498, is again active and flourishing. This Lodge sponsored the Han Yang Lodge in Korea in 1906.

Nagasaki Lodge No. 710 operated in Nagasaki City, Kyushu for a short time. However, when Nagasaki's foreign community transferred most of its business to the Kobe-Osaka area about 1911, it surrendered its charter and closed.

The Japanese Imperial Rescript dated December 25, 1887 forbade any meetings of a secret nature. In 1894 the American Masons residing in Japan, apprehensive lest Japan would extend its laws regarding secret societies to foreigners and close all Masonic Lodges, sent an appeal to the United States Government.
The Secretary of State took the matter up with the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the decision was that Masonry would not be interfered with, but that no Japanese National would be permitted to join. This was the so called, "gentlemen's agreement" which was religiously observed until after the end of World War II.
Under General Douglas MacArthur, permission was requested from the Japanese authorities to allow Japanese Nationals to join Masonic Lodges, which permission was freely granted. A well known Japanese Mason says that when the Japanese Government was questioned about the "gentlemen's agreement" after the war, the Government disclaimed any knowledge of such an agreement, therefore the Japanese officials said the Japanese Nationals could join the Masonic Lodges, if they so desired.


During the early days of the Occupation of Japan by the Allied Forces, many Masonic Clubs were started and in due time dispensations were requested from the Grand Lodges in the United States; an example was the Tokyo American Lodge.

This Lodge was instituted about 1947 and operated under dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, but upon the Grand Lodge of the Philippines assuming an active part in the furthering of Masonry in Japan, Tokyo American Lodge returned its dispensation to the Grand Lodge of Connecticut. They then applied to the Philippines for a dispensation and its name was changed to Tokyo Masonic Lodge No. 125 (now known as Tokyo Lodge No. 2 under the Grand Lodge of Japan).

Yokosuka Naval Masonic Lodge No. 120 was the first lodge to be instituted in Japan after World War II under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. This Lodge was instituted in 1947. Following this, fifteen other lodges were instituted under the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, as follows:

Far East Lodge No. 124, Yokohama, Honshu
Tokyo Masonic Lodge No. 125, Tokyo, Honshu
Square & Compass Lodge No. 126, Tachikawa, Honshu
Kyushu Lodge No. 127 Kokura, Kyushu
General John J. Pershing Lodge No. 131, Kyoto, Honshu
Torii Masonic Lodge No. 132, Nagoya, Honshu
Moriahyama Lodge No. 134, Camp Drake, Honshu
Sendai Masonic Lodge No. 135, Sendai, Honshu
Nippon Lodge No. 138, Sasebo, Kyushu
Aomori Lodge No. 139, Misawa, Honshu
Kanto Lodge No. 143, Tokyo, Honshu
Kansai Lodge No. 145, Kobe, Honshu
Sagamihara Lodge U. D., Camp Zama, Honshu
Cherry Blossom Lodge U. D., Itazuke, Kyushu
Rising Sun Lodge U. D., Camp Drew, Honshu

All of the above listed lodges with the exception of Numbers 120, 143 and Rising Sun U. D. are, as of this writing (1963), under the Grand Lodge of Japan.


When Brother Herbert Wolff arrived in Japan late in 1947, he immediately looked around the Yokohama area where he was stationed for an outlet for his Masonic interest. He discovered that there was a Lodge named "Star in the East 640" that was working under the Scottish Constitution and which held its meetings in a temple located in the Bluff area of Yokohama.
This Lodge had been formed mostly by Americans who had picked up the Charter of the original Lodge that had to go dark during the war days, and which had started up again.
」A visit to this Lodge revealed work that was entirely different from his American ritual and therefore, did not appeal to him. A further search revealed the presence of Yokosuka Naval Masonic Lodge functioning as a chartered Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Philippines at the Yokosuka Naval Base. A visit to this Lodge revealed that the ritual used was similar to that of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of California of which he was acquainted and most of the line officers were Marines (the Worshipful Master was Master Sergeant).
The work was performed with all the perfection and preciseness that Marines are noted for.
However, this Lodge was some miles away from Yokohama. He learned that there were several Masons in Yokohama and on being approached they eagerly signified their willingness to assist in forming a Lodge in the Yokohama area.
Those approached were Brothers Jacobson, Piercey, Ellison, Barrash, Radcliffe and Hinman and their response was enthusiastic. During several discussions on the matter it was brought to their attention that there was a Brother William Eichorn in the area who had expressed an interest along the same lines. Brother Eichorn's work carried him frequently to Manila in the Philippines and he was well known in Masonic circles in that city.
Brother Eichorn was approached, and joined their formative group. His advice was invaluable in directing their course towards making plea for a Dispensation and latter a Charter. He further agreed that he would gladly hand-carry all supporting papers to the MW Grand Lodge of Philippines if they emanated from some responsible group and in the proper form.

They accordingly announced in the Stars and Stripes that on a given night a meeting of all Master Masons in good standing would be held in the Yokohama Masonic Temple, for the purpose of forming a new Masonic Lodge in the area.
Lodge "Star in the East 640" had graciously tendered the use of their rooms for the purpose.
On the appointed night some fifty Master Masons attended the meeting and a Masonic Club was formed to give authority and a unison to all actions leading up to the consummation of their purpose. The evening was given to electing Club Officers and planning a step by step program leading up to the formation and presentation of a plea for Dispensation and Charter to the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
It was decided that Yokosuka Naval Masonic Lodge should be acquainted with their intent as a matter of jurisdiction might be involved, and also, their need for a sponsor. It was further agreed that Brothers Jacobson, Ellison and Wolff should attend the next meeting of Yokosuka Naval Masonic Lodge some three days later and secure the permission of the Worshipful Master to present their case from the floor to ascertain their reaction and willingness to act as their sponsor. A meeting of the Club was scheduled for the following week to acquaint the membership with the outcome of the Yokosuka visit.

On arrival at Yokosuka Lodge they were examined and received by the Worshipful Master and committee, and in an informal talk with the Master, they informed him of their purpose and asked his permission to present their case from the floor of the Lodge at the meeting, and also, to beg their sponsorship.
The request was graciously granted and after a session of questions and answers from the floor they were assured of the support of Yokosuka Lodge and their willingness to sponsor.
At the scheduled meeting of the Club a week later the membership was made acquainted with the results of the Yokosuka visit, and work was immediately begun to complete all the elements required to accompany a plea to the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines for a Dispensation, and later a Charter.
These elements considered were a name for the new Lodge, a set of By-Laws, a slate of proposed Officers, a more or less certified list of proposed Charter Members, and a written intent from Yokosuka Naval Masonic Lodge of their willingness to sponsor.
The latter, of course, they already had in their possession but the other matters took considerable time and the meeting ran far into the night. Haste was necessary because Brother Eichorn was slated to go to Manila two days from their meeting date.

At that meeting Brother Wolff was chosen as Worshipful Master, with Brother Ellison as Senior Warden, and Brother Jacobson as Junior Warden. It was found at this meeting that several of the Brothers who had signified their intention of becoming Charter Members would have to demit from their Mother Lodges due to a ban on dual membership by their parent jurisdictions.
However, they were willing and eager to assist in every way in bringing the new Lodge into being.
There were twenty-four Charter Members who submitted paid up dues cards from their respective Lodges indicating their good standing and the regularity of their constituted Lodges. These cards were photostated and the certified photostatic copy was included in the material sent to Manila with Brother Eichorn as proof of authenticity of the proposed membership of the new Lodge.

Brother Eichorn left for Manila as scheduled and returned in about 10 days with the Dispensation empowering Far East Lodge to work as a Lodge. Without Brother Eichorn's help and interest, months might have passed before they could have functioned as a Lodge.

The elected and appointed officers then appealed to their mother lodges for needed paraphernalia and the response was most generous. Jewels, Aprons, Staffs and Working Tools were received and Brother Piercey personally donated a beautiful Bible for our Altar.

On October 26, 1948, the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines issued a Dispensation to "certain brethren therein named, and residing in Yokohama, to form, open and hold a Lodge.
" Far East Lodge U. D. opened and held meetings until December 31, 1948, at which time the Lodge submitted all records and transactions of its activities, with the Dispensation to the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines, praying that a Charter be granted at the Annual Communication to be holden in Manila, in January 1949.
The Grand Lodge approved the petition for a Charter on January 26, 1949 and Far East Lodge was granted Charter number 124.

Brother Herbert Wolff, Master of the Lodge, was reassigned to the United States, therefore an election was held and Brother Abraham Jacobson was elected as WM, Brother Herbert L. Ellison as SW, Brother Elmer O. Hinman as JW, Brother Richard B. Eldridge as Treasurer, and Brother William J. Eichorn as Secretary.

Worshipful Brother "Pat" Pearson has this to say about the early days of the Lodge:
Sitting in Lodge, one evening I gazed around the Lodge Room, and a flood of memories engulfed me, and a parade of faces and names passed in review, I was carried back to the year 1948 when I made my first visit to Far East Lodge U. D., Worshipful Brother Elmer O. Hinman examined me and upon learning I was from a California Lodge gave a whoop of joy, and declared that the California Masons now outnumbered the Kentucky Masons in Far East Lodge.
As the Lodge was young and just formed, there were members from many jurisdictions, and each seemed to feel that the ritual of his particular home Lodge should prevail.
This was particularly evident in a very friendly manner in the rivalry which existed between the Brethren from California and Kentucky, who seemed to be in the majority, however there were enough Brethren of other jurisdictions to keep us on a steady footing and we eventually got around to conforming to the Philippine ritual in the proper manner. In recalling Brothers who were diligent workers and stalwarts within the Lodge, memory turns to Brothers Wolff, Ellison, Jacobson, Hinman, Kurtz, Coe, Beauchamp, Eldridge, Cartwright, Eichorn, Stevens, Wolitarsky, Spiegel, Radcliffe, Piercy, Halliday, Ehrlich, Deserano, Martin, Wilcher, and many other, whose names for the moment escape me. At the end of Masonic Year 1948, Far East Lodge U. D. had a membership of 27 Master Masons. On March 17th (St. Patrick's Day), 1949, Most Worshipful Brother Estaban Munarriz, Grand Master of Masons in the Philippines constituted Far East Lodge No. 124, and installed its first elected Officers, and on that date was born a Lodge which has since became a shining light in the Masonic sphere, particularly in this part of the world, and many of the good Brethren raised in Far East Lodge have moved to other fields to spread the Masonic philosophy and have in several instances became Masters of the Lodges, both within and without our Grand Jurisdiction. Most Worshipful Brother Carlos Rodriguez-Jimenes, Most Worshipful Brother George Sadaichi Horiuchi and Most Worshipful Brother Nohea O. A. Peck have served the Grand Lodge of Japan as its Grand Masters, several Brothers either have or are holding positions as Grand Lodge Officers, and others have received high honors in the Scottish and York Rites of Freemasonry; all in all, a record for which Far East Lodge No. 1 can justly be proud.
The stroll down memory lane brought recollections of the request which came from Brother General Walton H. Walker that Far East Lodge take the initiative to activate the DeMolay in Yokohama, and the call was answered by Brothers Kurtz, Kihlgren and Halliday who devoted much time and effort to organize the boys and get DeMolay started in Japan - they were ably assisted in the early days by Brothers Weaver and Harding, and numerous others who carried on the work to the present time.

Further memories, January 4, 1950, and Masonry in Japan opened its doors to receive those worthy Japanese who sought Masonic Light, and though the initiation was conducted by Tokyo Lodge No. 125, at the time under dispensation, the majority of the day was performed by Officers of Far East Lodge No. 124. By Special Dispensation eight Japanese candidates were initiated, five of whom were obligated by Officers of Far East Lodge, and I had the extreme pleasure of delivering the lecture of the First Degree (in English of course). The first Japanese Member of Far East Lodge was Brother Juzo Seo who came to us as a Mason, he having been a Mason of many years standing in a Lodge New York City, and joined our ranks by affiliation in 1949. I am pleased to say he is still in our midst. The first Japanese to apply for admittance was Souji Yamamoto who was initiated on April 26, 1950, however I regret to say he never advanced beyond the First Degree. Presently, the Lodge can well be proud of the many Japanese Brethren which now grace its rolls and lend support through their attendance and labors. Truly they are the backbone of the Lodge and their efforts will result in the Lodges' perpetuation.
On October 1, 1952, Rt WB W. J. Eichorn, PM of Far East Lodge No. 124 was appointed Grand Master's Deputy for the Territory of Japan by MW Brother Sidney M. Austin, who has then the MW Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
This action might be considered as the first step toward the formation of a Grand Lodge of Japan.

During the period from October 1952 to 1954, an Advisory Board for Japan, consisting of the Installed Masters and Past Masters, met at various times to resolve Masonic matters pertaining to the subordinate lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, and also to determine ways and means to further and strengthen the growth of Masonry in the Far East, particularly here in Japan.


At the Annual Communication of the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines in 1954, a petition was read which stated that all the Lodges in Japan under the Philippine Jurisdiction desired to form a District Grand Lodge.
That request was granted and RW Brother W. J. Eichorn was appointed the first District Grand Master for Japan for the Lodges in Japan under the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Again, this was a step nearer to the possible creation of a Grand Lodge of Japan in the not too distant future.

During the period of 1954 to 1956, many very important Masonic events took place which can undoubtedly be considered as cornerstones in the permanent foundation of Masonry in Japan.
First, was the instituting of Kanto Lodge U. D., comprising primarily Japanese Brethren, who conducted the ritualistic work in the Japanese language, this being a first time event in the entire Masonic World. Secondly, was the complete translation into the Japanese language of the ritualistic work of the three degrees, thus insuring that qualified Japanese who only spoke Japanese, desiring to become Masons would not be hindered by the language difficulties. In October 1957 a Masonic Brother of Japanese ancestry in Brazil requested that copies of the Monitors in Japanese be furnished him.
Thus it is very possible that Masonic Lodges will be instituted in other parts of the world in which the work will be conducted in the Japanese language.
Again, Japanese Masonry is contributing its share in strengthening the bonds of friendship and brotherly love in the various parts of the world). Thirdly, key and influential personnel in the Japanese Community were applying for membership in the Fraternity and were being accepted, thus indicating that Masonry was taking a firm footing here in Japan and would without question become an influence in the Japanese activities in the future.


On January 16, 1957, Moriahyama Lodge No. 134 passed a resolution calling for a convention to consider the formation of a Grand Lodge of Japan.
A meeting of the District Grand Lodge was held on January 26, 1957. Because of the resolution passed by Moriahyama Lodge, and the convention call issued by the Master of that Lodge, this was the principal subject of discussion.
The convention was called for February 16, 1957, to be held at the Tokyo Masonic Building. Each Lodge was asked to send four delegates, with authority to act for their Lodges. Further, each Lodge was to discuss the resolution at its next Stated Meeting and act favorably or unfavorably as the case may be.

The Grand Lodge of the Philippines was notified immediately on each event as it look place and was informed that a convention was to be held February 16, 1957 in Tokyo.
At the Convention sixteen lodges were represented of which eleven lodges reported that their lodges had unanimously endorsed the resolution.
At the convention held on March 16th four additional lodges unanimously endorsed the resolution, thus fifteen lodges out of sixteen were in favor of the formation of the Grand Lodge of Japan immediately.
The Grand Lodge of the Philippines was currently informed on all transactions in writing, to preclude their receiving any inaccurate data thru unofficial channels.

At the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in April 1957, a motion was presented to the Grand Secretary, that (1) the Grand Lodge of the Philippines extend recognition to the Grand Lodge of Japan, (2) the Grand Lodge of the Philippines assist the Grand Lodge of Japan to obtain recognition from the Grand Lodges with which it was in Fraternal Communication, and (3) the Grand Master of the Philippines with such Grand Officers as he might deem necessary, come to Japan to install the Officers of the Grand Lodge of Japan.

The delegation from Japan was received and recognized as delegates from the subordinate lodges at the Convention, however when it came to voting on the Grand Lodge Officers for the ensuing year, it was determined by the Grand Lodge, that as they were members of the Grand Lodge of Japan, they could not qualify to vote. This in their opinion was tantamount to informal recognition of the Grand Lodge of Japan.

The Grand Lodge of Japan was instituted on May 1, 1957.
By the end of that year seven Grand Lodges had recognized the Grand Lodge of Japan and at least ten other Grand Lodges were in fraternal communication with the Grand Lodge of Japan.
The Scottish Rite and York Rite Bodies were accepting Master Masons from the subordinate lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Japan.
Since the Grand Lodge of Japan was soon to be instituted, on March 16, 1957, Far East Lodge No. 124 surrendered its charter to the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines and received its new charter on that date.


No history of Masonry in Yokohama would be complete without mentioning the name of the Masonic Temple caretaker Kiyoshi (Hiram) Miyagawa.
Hiram is now 71 years of age, of which, it might be well said, that 50 years of his life has been in the service of the craft in the capacity of caretaker. It all started in 1881, shortly after Lodge Star in the East was instituted in Yokohama by Brother Oscar Otte Keil, and Hiram's father, Mankichi Miyagawa, became the first caretaker. Hiram's father remained in this position while the Lodge moved three times, resting finally, at No. 61 Yamashita-cho in 1911 - it was here that he passed away in 1916, after 30 years of service, and it came to pass, that his third son took up his responsibilities.

Kiyoshi Miyagawa 1892-1966
Hiram was born in 1892 and became the second Miyagawa to take everything Masonic to himself without knowing any of its mysteries. Hiram took the Lodge through the earthquake of 1923, and into the present Temple which was erected in 1927.

It was Hiram who took the Temple through the difficult war years - who hid documents and records in order that they might not be confiscated - who underwent the investigations conducted by the Japanese Government - it was he also who stayed near during the many air raids. There were no doubt many other difficulties not known to anyone but the recipient of the hardship. The craft can surely thank the Great Architect for the services of such a personage during these trying years.

Since the end of World War II, Hiram has continued to serve the craft - not only as caretaker of the Temple and grounds, but prepares the Lodge Room for every organization meeting and is always on-hand to assist in serving refreshments in the Collation Room in the Temple (Blue Lodges, O.E.S., DeMolay, Rainbow, etc.).

In all, the Miyagawa family has contributed almost a century of service to the craft - a record which probably has no equal in the World of Masonry, in light of the circumstances. There have been many men who have suffered hardship because of their Masonic affiliations, however, it is an odd case where the man is not a Mason, and yet, receives and accepts the hardship. His devotion and fidelity is indeed one to be imitated.

At the 71st Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 of March 6, 1963, 33 days following his 71st birthday, Hiram was elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry.
On the evening of March 20, 1963 more than 80 Masons from Yokohama and the nearby communities were present to see Hiram receive his EA Degree, for the first time in Far East Lodge, exemplified in the Japanese language.

Among those present were our PGM's Sadaichi Horiuchi and Nohea O. A. Peck, and four other Grand Lodge Officers, RWB Chester O. Nielsen, Grand Treasurer, VWB Alexander T. Forester, Grand Chaplain, WB Floyd J. Robertson, Senior Grand Lecturer, and WB Mahlon E. Seese, Jr., Jr. Grand Steward. Three other sister Grand Jurisdictions were represented - The Grand Lodge of Scotland by RWB Myron Bettencourt and the Grand Lodge of the Philippines by WB Royal Strickland, Worshipful Masters of Lodge Star in the East 640 of Yokohama and Rising Sun Lodge No. 151 of Camp Zama, respectively, both of whom, together with several officers and Brethren, were on that evening making official visits to Far East Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts was represented by WB Harold Oppenheim, PM of Sinim Lodge in Tokyo. Also present were RWB George W. Colton, PDDGM of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and VWB Robert W. Seeley, DDGM of District #22 under the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, together with 20 first time visitors from the Grand Lodges of California, Arkansas, and Delaware and from Hawaii.

The Japanese Ritual was exemplified by WB Yoshio Yamada, PM of Far East Lodge in the East, assisted by Brothers Shinichi Shigenobu of Sagamihara Lodge No. 13, Sadao Fujita of Yokosuka Lodge No. 120 and Brothers Voyce, Noel, Seese, Robertson, Oliver, Nishiyama, Harrison and Cowe of Far East Lodge.

Several Brethren spoke of how the evening had demonstrated the true "universality of Masonry". All present were of the common opinion that this was truly a milestone in the history of Far East Lodge No. 1 as we approached our 15th Anniversary, and hoped that in the not too distant future the Grand Lodge of Japan would predominately consist of Japanese members.

Material for the foregoing article was compiled from articles previously appearing in the Friendly Tips written by MWB Nohea O. A. Peck, WB Herbert Wolff, WB Kenneth R. Pearson, Bro Shigeru Nishiyama and the late RWB E. V. Bernard, of Lodge Star in the East No. 640.


Further reading:

*Open in Google Chrome browser for a translation.

Leo L. Noel, PM, Secretary
暪浜Far EastロッゞNo.1の15呚幎を蚘念しお1963幎に発行された小冊子より抜粋


日本最初のロッゞずしお知られおいるのはスフィンクス ロッゞで、このロッゞは米囜海軍のペリヌ提督が日本を開枯させた数幎埌の1862幎から1865幎たで、アむルランドのグランドロッゞの傘䞋で掻動しおいたした。


ペリヌ提督が軍ず共に撀退するず、スフィンクス ロッゞの掻動は䌑止状態になったため、地元の倖囜人たちがむングランドのグランドロッゞにチャヌタヌ(憲章)を求め、1866幎の6月26日に認可されたした。
このロッゞは暪浜ロッゞNo. 1092ず呌ばれ、長い間掻発に掻動しおいたした。
最初の䌚合は1867幎にJ. R. Black氏の自宅の䞀宀で開かれたした。Black氏は日本で印刷された最初の英字新聞『Japan Gazette』の線集者で経営者でもありたした。
䌚員たちは、Messrs. John W. Hall & Companyのオヌクションホヌル䞊にあった郚屋を利甚しおいたした。このロッゞに授䞎された憲章には、圓時むングランドのグランドマスタヌだったれットランド䌯爵が眲名しおいたす。
ロッゞは第二次䞖界倧戊前に掻動が闇に消え、いただに埩掻しおいたせん。圓時のメむスンの旗は、珟圚は暪浜のメ゜ニック テンプルの壁に掛かっおいたす。

オテントサマ ロッゞNo. 1263もむギリスのグランドロッゞ傘䞋ずしお1869幎の6月に承認され、長幎にわたっお暪浜のメむスン テンプルで䌚合を開いおいたしたが、第二次䞖界倧戊の前にやはり闇に消えおそのたたになっおしたいたした。オテントサマ ロッゞNo. 1263もむギリスのグランドロッゞ傘䞋ずしお1869幎の6月に承認され、長幎にわたっお暪浜のメむスン テンプルで䌚合を開いおいたしたが、第二次䞖界倧戊の前にやはり闇に消えおそのたたになっおしたいたした。このロッゞの旗も暪浜のメむスン テンプルの壁に今もかかっおいたす。 ロッゞStar in the East No. 640は、スコットランドのグランドロッゞ傘䞋ずしお1879幎9月16日に承認されたした。




倧震灜埌もメむスンの掻動を続けるため、数か月の間は神戞のコリンシアン ホヌル(Corinthian Hall)で䌚合が開かれたした。
震灜埌に暪浜で開かれた最初の䌚合は、ロッゞStar in the Eastがアメリカン トレヌディング カンパニヌの事務所跡で開いたものでした。
WB Michael Apcarによれば「積み荷甚の叀いケヌスや箱がむス替わりで、ろうそくで明かりを取りたした。出垭しおいた䌚員達の間に流れおいた空気は、たさにメむスン本来の特城を具珟したもので、貧しくお金はなくずも、ブラザヌ愛、救枈の粟神、そしお誠実さに満ちおいたした」ず蚀うこずでした。
他にも誠実なブラザヌ愛を瀺す䟋ずしお、アメリカ南郚地区Supreme Council, A & A.S.R.の副グランドマスタヌであったむラストリアス ブラザヌFrazar(第33階箚)の逞話があげられたす。

震灜埌の短い間、ロッゞStar in the Eastは花園橋近くのアメリカント レヌディング カンパニヌの焌け残った建物で、オテントサマ ロッゞは居留地のMessrs. Butterfield & Swire Companyの事務所で、暪浜ロッゞは神戞で集たっおいたしたが、最終的にはMessrs. Sale & Frazer Companyで䌚合を開き、1927幎たでここで掻動しおいたした。

メ゜ニック テンプル

その間にも、恒久的なメ゜ニックホヌムの建蚭に向けた掻動が始たり、メ゜ニック テンプルを建おるための基金がむングランドのグランドロッゞから受け取られたした。
このために遞ばれた土地は、倖囜人居留地の山手町3番地で、珟圚のメ゜ニック テンプルがある堎所です。テンプルの所有者はメ゜ニックホヌル株匏䌚瀟で、むギリス憲章のロッゞの高䜍の䌚員に管理されおおり、1927幎2月12日に奉献されたした。

メ゜ニック テンプル
暪浜 1927幎2月12日
Stanley Edward White D.G.M. P.G.D.

土地ず建物にかかった費甚は、1923幎9月1日の倧震灜で厩壊したメ゜ニック ホヌルに代わる建物の建蚭甚にむギリス連合ロッゞから最沢に送られた費甚から支出されたした。

この建物で䌚合を開いたロッゞには、ロッゞStar in the East640、暪浜ロッゞNo. 1092、オテントサマ ロッゞNo. 1263、オリ゚ントマヌクロッゞNo. 304、スコティッシュ ラむト、Far EastロッゞNo. 1(偶然ですが、珟圚同じ名前のFar EastロッゞNo. 1がありたす)がありたした。
これらのロッゞは建物の䜿甚料をメ゜ニック ホヌル株匏䌚瀟に支払っおいたした。
財務䞊の理由で、ロッゞStar in the Eastは数幎間だけメ゜ニックホヌル株匏䌚瀟から離れお、南埠頭入り口の角地にあったオリ゚ンタル パレス レストランの控えの間を䜿っおいたしたが、、幎埌に倖囜人居留地のテンプルに戻りたした。


1945幎9月以降、戊前からロッゞStar in the Eastの䌚員だった人々が、アメリカ占領軍のメむスン達の協力を埗お1946幎4月9日にロッゞを再開したした。1945幎9月以降、戊前からロッゞStar in the Eastの䌚員だった人々が、アメリカ占領軍のメむスン達の協力を埗お1946幎4月9日にロッゞを再開したした。アメリカ陞軍第8軍の叞什官でメむスンであったRobert L.Eichelberger陞軍倧将が物資面での揎助をしたした。1946幎以来、占領軍ず公安郚隊の関係者の倚くが軍人、民間人を問わずロッゞStar in the Eastに入䌚したり、その所属になったりしたした。ロッゞStar in the Eastの戊前および戊埌の䌚員たちは、東方でのメむスンリヌ発展に倧きな功瞟を残し、今も重芁な圹割を担っおいたす。 アメリカ陞軍第8軍の叞什官でメむスンであったRobert L.Eichelberger陞軍倧将が物資面での揎助をしたした。
1946幎以来、占領軍ず公安郚隊の関係者の倚くが軍人、民間人を問わずロッゞStar in the Eastに入䌚したり、その所属になったりしたした。ロッゞStar in the Eastの戊前および戊埌の䌚員たちは、東方でのメむスンリヌ発展に倧きな功瞟を残し、今も重芁な圹割を担っおいたす。
東京ロッゞNo. 2015は、1883幎8月10日にむングランドのグランドロッゞに承認され、第二次䞖界倧戊前は暪浜のメ゜ニック テンプルで䌚合をしおいたしたが、戊埌は再開されおいたせん。
旗は今でも暪浜のテンプルの壁に掛かっおいたす。東京ロッゞ オブ むンストラクションは、芝公園の䞉緣亭(さんえんおい)で正匏に䌚合をしおいたした。
䞀時期、神戞のコリンシアン ホヌルでは4぀のメ゜ニックロッゞが䌚合しおいたした。
むングランド管蜄区から承認された鳥居マヌク ロッゞ837ずFar Eastロッゞ アルビオン3729は、すでに掻動しおいたせん。
このロッゞは1906幎に韓囜のハンダン ロッゞのスポンサヌになっおいたす。
長厎ロッゞNo. 710は九州の長厎で短い間掻動しおいたしたが、1911幎に長厎の倖囜人コミュニティがほずんどのビゞネスを神戞・倧阪゚リアに移した際に、憲章を返䞊しお閉鎖したした。


その䞀䟋が東京アメリカン ロッゞです。
このロッゞは1947幎ごろに承認され、コネティカット州グランドロッゞの管蜄で運営されおいたしたが、フィリピンのグランドロッゞが日本におけるメむスンリヌの発展に掻発な動きを始めるず、東京アメリカン ロッゞはコネティカット州のグランドロッゞに特免状を返䞊したした。
それからフィリピンに特免状を申請し、名前を東京メ゜ニックロッゞNo. 125(珟圚は日本グランドロッゞ傘䞋の東京ロッゞNo. 2)に倉曎したした。
暪須賀海軍メ゜ニックロッゞNo. 120は、フィリピンのグランドロッゞ傘䞋で、第二次䞖界倧戊埌に日本で認可された最初のロッゞでした。

Far East Lodge No. 124, Yokohama, Honshu
Tokyo Masonic Lodge No. 125, Tokyo, Honshu
Square & Compass Lodge No. 126, Tachikawa, Honshu
Kyushu Lodge No. 127 Kokura, Kyushu
General John J. Pershing Lodge No. 131, Kyoto, Honshu
Torii Masonic Lodge No. 132, Nagoya, Honshu
Moriahyama Lodge No. 134, Camp Drake, Honshu
Sendai Masonic Lodge No. 135, Sendai, Honshu
Nippon Lodge No. 138, Sasebo, Kyushu
Aomori Lodge No. 139, Misawa, Honshu
Kanto Lodge No. 143, Tokyo, Honshu
Kansai Lodge No. 145, Kobe, Honshu
Sagamihara Lodge U. D., Camp Zama, Honshu
Cherry Blossom Lodge U. D., Itazuke, Kyushu
Rising Sun Lodge U. D., Camp Drew, Honshu

䞊蚘のロッゞは、No. 120、143およびラむゞングサン以倖はこの蚘述の時点(1963幎)で、すべお日本グランドロッゞの管蜄䞋にありたす。

Far EastロッゞNO.124

1947幎埌半に日本にやっおきたブラザヌHerbert Wolffは、日本に赎任した盎埌から暪浜呚蟺でメ゜ニック掻動ができそうな所を探したした。
そこにはスコットランド傘䞋の「Star in the East 640」ずいうロッゞがあり、暪浜の倖囜人居留地のテンプルで䌚合しおいるこずを知りたした。
さらに調べおみるず、暪須賀の海軍基地でフィリピン管蜄䞋のロッゞずしお機胜しおいる暪須賀海軍メ゜ニックロッゞがあるこずがわかりたした。そこでこのロッゞに行っおみるず、儀匏は圌の知っおいるカリフォルニア州のグランドロッゞのものず䌌おおり、士官のほずんどが海兵隊員でした(ワヌシップフル マスタヌは曹長でした)。
この話を持ちかけられたのは、Jacobson、Piercey、Ellison、Barrash、Radcliffe,およびHinmanず蚀うブラザヌ達で、非垞に意欲的でした。ロッゞ蚭立に関しお䜕床か話し合いをした際に、やはりロッゞ蚭立に興味を持っおいるブラザヌWilliam Eichornが暪浜にいるこずが話題に䞊りたした。
そしお、この地域で新しいメ゜ニックロッゞを蚭立する目的で、有効な䌚員ずしおの身分を有するすべおのマスタヌメむスンによる䌚合が、指定された倜に暪浜のメ゜ニック テンプルで開かれるこずが『星条旗新聞(Stars and Stripes)』に発衚されたした。
その際、ロッゞStar in the East 640がそのために郚屋を貞しおくれるこずになりたした。指定の倜には50人ほどのマスタヌメむスンが䌚合に参加し、目的達成たでのすべおの行動に調和ず暩嚁をもたらすため、メむスンクラブが結成されたした。
その倜はクラブの圹員が遞出され、フィリピンのモスト ワヌシップフル グランドマスタヌに提瀺する特免状ず憲章の䜜成ず提瀺たでの準備を䞀歩ず぀進めおいくための蚈画が立おられたした。
その3日ほど埌に予定されおいた暪須賀海軍メ゜ニックロッゞの次回の䌚合に、ブラザヌ Jacobson、EllisonおよびWolffが出垭すべきであり、そこでワヌシップフル マスタヌから圌らの案件を出垭者に提瀺する蚱可をもらい、出垭者の反応ず埌ろ盟になっおくれる意思を確認する必芁も同意されたした。
暪須賀ロッゞに到着するず、ワヌシップフル マスタヌず委員䌚に迎えられ、そこで質問などをされ、マスタヌずの非正匏な䌚話の際に蚪問の目的を話し、䌚合でロッゞの出垭者たちにこの案件を提瀺する蚱可ず、埌ろ盟になっおもらうこずを嘆願できるようにお願いしたした。
䌚合では、ブラザヌWolffがワヌシップフル マスタヌに遞ばれ、ブラザヌEllisonがシニア・りォヌデンに、ブラザヌJacobsonがゞュニア・りォヌデンに遞ばれたした。チャヌタヌの䌚員になるこずを垌望しおいるブラザヌの䜕人かは、芪ロッゞが二重䌚員になるこずを犁じおいるため、芪ロッゞを蟞めなければいけないこずもわかりたした。圌らはそれでも新しいロッゞ蚭立のためにはどのような支揎も惜したない考えでした。

ブラザヌEichornは予定通りマニラに出発し、Far Eastロッゞをロッゞずしお機胜させる特免状を手にしお10日埌に戻りたした。ブラザヌEichornの努力ず、ロッゞを蚭立させたいずいう意志がなければ、ロッゞずしお機胜できるたでに䜕か月もかかったかも知れたせん。


1948幎10月26日、フィリピンのMWグランドマスタヌから「ここに名前が蚘茉され暪浜に圚䜏するブラザヌたちにロッゞを構成しお蚭立し、それを保持する」ずの特免状が発行されたした。こうしおFar Eastロッゞが誕生し、1948幎12月31日たで䌚合が開かれたした。その際、ロッゞは掻動のすべおの蚘録ず議事録を特免状ずずもにフィリピンのMWグランドマスタヌに提出し、1949幎1月にマニラで開催されるこずになっおいた幎次総䌚でチャヌタヌを授䞎しおもらえるように願いたした。グランドロッゞは1949幎1月26日にチャヌタヌの芁請を認可し、Far Eastロッゞはチャヌタヌ番号124を授䞎されたした。

ロッゞマスタヌのブラザヌHerbert Wolffがアメリカに再び就任しお行くこずになったため、遞挙が開かれ、そこでブラザヌAbraham Jacobsonがワヌシップフル マスタヌに遞ばれ、ブラザヌHerbert L. Ellisonがシニア・りォヌデンに、ブラザヌElmer O. Hinmanがゞュニア・りォヌデンに、ブラザヌRichard B. Eldridgeがトレゞャラヌ(䌚蚈係)に、そしおブラザヌWilliam J. Eichornがセクレタリヌに遞ばれたした。

初期の頃のロッゞに぀いお、WB“Pat” Pearsonは次のように述べおいたす。
ある倜、ロッゞに座っおロッゞルヌムを芋枡しおいるず、思い出が怒涛のようによみがえり、倚くの顔や名前が次々ず蚘憶に浮かんできたした。蚘憶をたぐりよせるず、1948幎、初めおFar Eastロッゞを蚪れた時のこずが思い起こされたした。その日、WB Elmer O. Hinmanにいろいろず質問をされたしたが、私がカリフォルニア州ロッゞから来たこずを知るず圌は非垞に喜び、私が来たこずでFar Eastロッゞにはケンタッキヌ州のメむスンよりカリフォルニア州のメむスンの数が倚くなったずいいたした。Far Eastロッゞはただ蚭立されたばかりの若いロッゞだったため、様々な管蜄区からのメンバヌがいお、それぞれが自分の属するロッゞの儀匏が優先されるべきだず感じおいるようでした。これはメンバヌ䞭で倧きな割合を占めるカリフォルニア州ずケンタッキヌ州のブラザヌたちの間の友奜的な敵察関係で特に目立ちたした。しかし、他の管蜄区のメンバヌも倚く、メむスン掻動をしっかりず続けるため、最終的にフィリピンの儀瀌に正確に埓うこずになりたした。ロッゞで勀勉に奉仕し、信念を貫いたブラザヌたちのこずを考えるず、Wolff、Ellison、Jacobson、Hinman、Kurtz、Coe、Beauchamp、Eldridge、Cartwright、Eichorn、Stevens、Wolitarsky、Spiegel、Radcliffe、Piercy、Halliday、Ehrlich、Deserano、Martin、Wilcherず蚀ったブラザヌたちの名前が蘇りたす。これ以倖にちょっず名前を思い出せないブラザヌもたくさんいたす。1948幎のメむスン幎の終わりには、Far Eastロッゞに27名のマスタヌメむスンがいたした。1949幎の3月17日(聖パトリックの祝日)、フィリピンのグランドマスタヌメむスンであったモスト ワヌシップフル ブラザヌEstaban MunarrizがFar EastロッゞNo. 124を承認し、遞挙で遞ばれた最初のオフィサヌたちを任呜したした。この日、それ以降メむスンの茪、特にこの地域での茝く光ずなったロッゞが誕生し、Far Eastロッゞで育ったブラザヌの倚くがメむスン哲孊を広めるために他の地域に移り、管蜄域内倖でロッゞのマスタヌになったブラザヌもいたした。モスト ワヌシップフル ブラザヌCarlos Rodriguez-Jimenes、モスト ワヌシップフル ブラザヌGeorge Sadaichi Horiuchiずモスト ワヌシップフル ブラザヌNohea O. A. Peck はグランドマスタヌずしお日本のグランドロッゞに奉仕し、数名のブラザヌたちがグランドロッゞ オフィサヌずしお過去に勀めたり、珟圚も奉仕したりしおいたす。フリヌメむスンのスコティッシュ ラむトやペヌク ラむトで高い名誉を授䞎された䌚員もいたす。どれもFar EastロッゞNo. 1が誇りに思っおよい蚘録ばかりです。思い出を蟿っおいくうちに、ブラザヌGeneral Walton H. Walkerの芁請を思い出したした。圌はFar Eastロッゞが䞭心ずなっお、暪浜のデモレヌを始動させるよう求め、ブラザヌKurtz、Kihlgren、そしおHallidayらがその芁請に答えお、惜しみない時間ず努力を費やしおブラザヌたちを動かし、日本でデモレヌを蚭立したした。初期の頃はブラザヌWeaverずブラザヌHarding、そしお䜕名もの他の䌚員たちの支揎を受けたしたが、その努力は珟圚も続いおいたす。

さらに思い出を蟿りたす。1950幎1月4日、日本のメむスンリヌは、メむスンの光を求める入䌚するにふさわしい日本人にその門戞を開きたした。入䌚の儀匏は、その圓時特免䞋にあった東京ロッゞNo. 125で行われたしたが、実際にほずんどの郚分を取り仕切ったのはFar EastロッゞNo. 124でした。特免により、8名の日本人の垌望者が入䌚を蚱可され、5人がFar Eastロッゞのオフィサヌに認められ、私は第階玚のレクチャヌ(もちろん英語で)をするずいうすばらしい光栄に恵たれたした。Far Eastロッゞ初の日本人䌚員はブラザヌ ゞュりゟり・セオですが、我々のずころに来たずきには圌はすでに長幎のメむスン䌚員でした。圌はその前からロッゞ ニュヌペヌク シティの䌚員であり、1849幎に友奜䌚員ずしお我々の階玚に加わりたした。うれしいこずに圌は今も我々のブラザヌです。入䌚を申請した最初の日本人は、゜りゞ・ダマモトで、圌は1950幎4月26日に入䌚が承認されたした。ただ残念なこずに、圌は第階玚から䞊に昇栌するこずはありたせんでした。珟圚、ロッゞには倚くの日本人のブラザヌがおり、栄誉ある䌚員ずしお参加し、奉仕をしお支揎を続けおくれおいたす。本圓に圌らはロッゞの屋台骚ずなり、圌らの努力がロッゞの恒久的な存続に繋がっおいたす。

1952幎10月1日、Far EastロッゞNo. 124のパスト マスタヌでもあったRt WB W. J. Eichornが、圓時フィリピンのグランドロッゞのMWグランドマスタヌでもあった、MWブラザヌSidney M. Austinにより、日本の副グランドマスタヌに任呜されたした。これは、日本のグランドロッゞ蚭立の最初の䞀歩ず考えおよいのかも知れたせん。


日本のディストリクト グランドロッゞ

1954幎のフィリピンのグランドロッゞの幎次総䌚で、フィリピン管蜄䞋にある日本のロッゞのすべおが日本のディストリクト グランドロッゞの蚭立を願っおいるずいう申請曞が読み䞊げられたした。この申請は認められ、RWブラザヌW. J. Eichornが初代のフィリピンのグランドロッゞ管蜄䞋の日本のロッゞの初代ディストリクト グランドマスタヌに任呜されたした。これも、そう遠くない将来の日本のグランドロッゞ蚭立に䞀歩近づく動きでした。



1957幎月16日、MoriahyamaロッゞNo. 134が日本にグランドロッゞを蚭立するこずを怜蚎するための倧䌚を開こうずいう決議を通したした。ディストリクト グランドロッゞの䌚合は、1957幎1月26日に開かれたした。Moriahyamaロッゞが決議を出し、Moriahyamaロッゞのマスタヌが倧䌚の開催を求めため、これが怜蚎のための䞻な課題ずなりたした。倧䌚は1957幎2月16日に東京メ゜ニックビルで開催され、メンバヌが召喚されたした。各ロッゞから代衚4名を送るこずになっおおり、その4名にはロッゞ代衚ずしお行動する暩限が䞎えられおいたした。さらに、各ロッゞはそれぞれ次の定䟋䌚合でこの決議に぀いお怜蚎し、反察あるいは賛成の姿勢をずるように蚀われたした。


1957幎4月のフィリピンのグランドロッゞの幎次総䌚で、以䞋の提議がグランド セクレタリヌに出されたした。(1)フィリピンのグランドロッゞは日本のグランドロッゞを承認する (2)フィリピンのグランドロッゞは日本のグランドロッゞが友愛関係を結んでいるグランドロッゞから承認を埗られるように手助けする、そしお(3)フィリピンのグランド マスタヌは、圌が同䌎が必芁ず考える圹員ずずもに日本を蚪問し、日本のグランドロッゞの圹員を任呜する、ず蚀うこずでした。


日本のグランドロッゞは、1957幎5月1日に蚭立されたした。その幎の末たでには、぀のグランドロッゞが日本のグランドロッゞを承認し、その他に少なくずも10のグランドロッゞが日本のグランドロッゞず友愛関係を結びたした。スコティッシュ ラむトずペヌク ラむトは、日本のグランドロッゞ傘䞋の友愛関係のロッゞからマスタヌメむスンを受け入れおいたした。日本のグランドロッゞがもうすぐ蚭立されるこずになっおいたため、1957幎3月16日にFar EastロッゞNo. 124は、憲章をフィリピンのロッゞに返䞊し、その日に新たなチャヌタヌを授䞎されおいたす。


メ゜ニック テンプルの管理人だった宮川(ハむラム)枅氏を語らずしお、暪浜のメむスンリヌの歎史を語るこずはできたせん。珟圚71歳の宮川氏は、人生の50幎間を管理人ずしおクラフトのために奉仕しおきたず蚀っおも過蚀ではありたせん。すべおは1881幎、ブラザヌOscar Otte KeilがロッゞStar in the Eastを暪浜に蚭立しおすぐ、枅氏の父であった宮川䞇吉氏が最初の管理人になったのが始たりです。枅氏の父芪はロッゞが3床も移転し、最終的に1911幎に山䞋町61番地に萜ち着くたでの間もずっずロッゞの管理をしおいたした。30幎間を奉仕にささげた埌、ここで1916幎に亡くなり、䞉男がその仕事を匕き継ぐこずになりたした。

宮川枅 1892-1966
この他にも圌の胞の䞭にしたわれおいる倚くの困難があったに違いありたせん。この困難な時期にそのような人物を配しおくれたグランド アヌキテクトにクラフトは感謝しおいるこずでしょう。



1963幎3月6日のFar EastロッゞNo.の第71回定䟋䌚合で、71歳の誕生日から33日が過ぎた時、枅氏は遞ばれおメむスンリヌの階玚を受けるこずになりたした。1963幎3月20日の倜、暪浜や近蟺のコミュニティから80名以䞊のメむスンたちが出垭し、Far Eastロッゞで初めお日本語で儀匏が行われ、枅氏がEA(埒匟)の階玚を授䞎されるのを芋守りたした。

その時の出垭者の䞭には我々のパスト グランドマスタヌのサダむチ・ホリりチずNohea O. A. Peck、そしおグランドロッゞのオフィサヌ4名、RWB Chester O. Nielsen、グランド トレゞャラヌ、VWB Alexander T. Forester、 グランド チャプレン、シニア グランド レクチャラヌのWB Floyd J. Robertson、WB Mahlon E. Seese, Jr.、Jr. グランド ステュワヌドもいたした。぀の姉効管蜄区の代衚も出垭しおいたした。スコットランドのグランドロッゞのRWB Myron Bettencourt 、フィリピンのグランドロッゞのWB Royal Strickland、そしお暪浜のロッゞStar in the East640ずキャンプ座間のラむゞングサン ロッゞNo. 151のワヌシップフル マスタヌたちです。暪浜ずキャンプ座間のマスタヌたちは数名のオフィサヌやブラザヌたちずもに正匏にFar Eastロッゞを蚪れおいたした。マサチュヌセッツ州のグランドロッゞからは、東京のサむナムロッゞのプロビンシャル マスタヌだったWB Harold Oppenheimが出垭しおいたした。スコットランド グランドロッゞのか぀おのディストリクト 副グランドマスタヌでRWBのGeorge W. Coltonずフィリピンのグランドロッゞ傘䞋のディストリクト#22のディストリクト 副グランドマスタヌのVWB Robert W. Seeley、それにカリフォルニア州、アヌカン゜ヌ州、デラりェア州、ハワむから20名が初めおの蚪問で来おいたした。

日本語の儀瀌は、Far Eastロッゞのパスト マスタヌだったWBペシオ・ダマダが䟋蚌し、盞暡原ロッゞNo. 13のブラザヌ シンむチ・シゲノブ、暪須賀ロッゞNo. 120のサダオ・フゞタそしお同じくFar EastロッゞのVoyce、Noel、Seese、Robertson、Oliver、ニシダマ、Harrison、Coweらのブラザヌらが手助けをしたした。

それは「メむスンリヌの普遍性」が本圓によく衚珟された倜だったず述べたブラザヌも䜕人かいたした。15呚幎も近いこずから、出垭した䌚員の党員が、この倜はFar EastロッゞNo. 1の真のマむルストヌンずなったず感じおおり、そう遠くない将来に日本のグランドロッゞの䌚員の倧半が日本人になるこずを願いたした。
前述の蚘事の資料はMWB Nohea O. A. Peck、WB Herbert Wolff、WB Kenneth R. Pearson、ブラザヌ シゲル・ニシダマ、ロッゞStar in the EastNo. 640の故RWB E. V. Bernardが『Friendly Tips』に掲茉した蚘事を基に䜜成したものです。

Tokyo Masonic Center
4-1-3 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011



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